Rather than asking a girl on a date, just tell a woman what you are doing anyways. Then tell her that she may join you if she likes. Let her know that you’re gonna be going somewhere, and that she could tag along, or she might be losing out if she does not accept your offer straightaway. Just be a loof and laid back and invite her along shopping to help you pick out a new sweater.
Don't make it seem as if she is doing you any favors just by accepting your date. On the other hand, make it appear like you are the one doing the woman a favor simply by inviting her to join you and go someplace with you. As an example, you could tell a woman that she genuinely is missing out if she doesn’t come along for coffee at this awesome new joint you recently discovered. Make your date proposal informal and amusing. One move to make it come off as non-threatening is to ask them out on a date for a cup of coffee.
Be sure to invite a woman out a couple days prior to when she would anticipate. Be that as it may, if you’ve already set a date up with her then never call the woman in order to reschuedule the date – its lame to change the date that you’ve already arranged! That would surely boost the likelihood of you getting rejected. Asking her out on a week day night is an excellent technique as well. It will look as if you have something that you have to do on the week end and it’ll make you come off as far more mysterious. Seeming to be a bit mysterious is almost always seen as a positive characteristic in a woman’s mind.
Find out the correct time. Stay away from asking a girl out when she is busy, or if she is hanging out with her friends. Do your best to ask the girl out in the most personal way that you can. If you can, use her home phone number to ask her out, not her cellphone. If the woman you are asking out is far away from you, you may hit her up via e mail too. Again, just keep it light and relaxed.
In the world of dating, nice guys seldom win, so skip seeming excessively nice to her. Be a little flirty when you speak to the woman. It's not bad to tease her on her looks, but be sure the woman realizes you are only kidding. For instance, if she's tall, you could try to joke her about high heel shoes making her look 10 inches too high. Provided that the woman wears glasses, you can kid her that they make her look cute.
For your sake, be sure to get your look in order before the date . Courage is gained from feeling great whether you're on a date with her or not. Go to the gym and work out a bit so that you will come off better and you wll also get a boost from your body's endorphins. For an excellent complexion, be sure to include lots of veggies in your diet. Women like healthy and gorgeous guys. So at least she will have an existing good impression of you previously established long before the date even starts.
Ok, thanks for the advice, but there is one question I have to ask. When I started my A2's, I started to like this girl that is in my Wednesday and Friday lessons (I'm 18 and I'm in college). I started talking to her back in November, and I got her email and Facebook, but no number. As time passed on from the time I starting talking to her, we started to grow this friendship. The problem is, I want to ask her via Facebook or email if she wants to get coffee sometime this week, preferably on Friday. I've been trying to ask her for 2 weeks, but classes have been finishing early, or that she has not been in. I had the opportunity to ask her today, but we had finished for the day, and maybe she was busy and did not have time to go out for a coffee. As mentioned earlier, I want to ask via email or Facebook, but I have a gut feeling that things will not go down too well. We know each other quite a fair bit, but I'm not sure if a "coffee date" is a good idea. Another problem I face is that the more I wait it out, the more annoyed I get because I haven't attempted to ask her. One of my friends is telling me that it I will get a straight no from this girl if I ask via Facebook or email. When she is with her friends, I get nervous to ask her there and then as well because of what her friends might think, which is odd because her friends and I are quite good friends. Please help because I do not know what to do, as my patience is getting smaller and smaller.
ReplyDeleteman!! u think to much! when u think, u not finish your problem not even close! why not u asking her?? it's not the end of the world, just try man!